Roadtrip 2022 Denemarken dag 1

14 juni 2022 - Hamburg, Duitsland

After an easy morning of last clean-ups and preparations, we loaded the bike and with excitement headed out towards Germany. The weather was cool and from time to time we got a small shower of rain. The trip through the Netherlands went fast and smooth - very soon we were making pictures at the German border! Then we tanked the bike full and continued our road. As many times before, Germany welcomed us with its beautiful nature, fast roads (if not under construction) and tasty food. We had an unexpectedly long break during our lunch at a cafe by the road due to it being overflowed by hungry Dutch soldiers. After the lunch we decided to ride on the last few hours to our destination without stopping. We lost our way a few times, but all went well and in the end we´ve reached it - Hamburg! I remembered how big the city was as it took us a good half-hour to ride through it until our hotel. A bit sore and tired from the long ride, we streched well and checked in our hotel. Soon we were on our feet again, heading to the city centre. We were very excited - soon we would meet our dear friends, Jeroen, Anna and their little son Ari, who we haven´t seen for a very long time (Ari we would see for the very first time)! As we waited for them, we got distracted by this wonderful ice-cream shop where we got big, delicious cones. Not so long afterwards Jeroen and Ari arrived, and a bit later Anna joined as well. We all had a cheerful reunion and explored Hamburg together. Then we went to a restaurant where we had delicious food and lots of talks. After that we took a picturesque walk towards the main station. There we said till next times to our friends, so happy that we could finally share this fun time again! Anna walked us to our train, and we took it....for it to unsuspectedly go backwards to the station after the first stop! It took us a long time of figuring it out, taking different trains and busses, but we finally reached our hotel. It is late now, so we´ll hurry to catch our rest for the following adventures!

Left at: 9:10
German border crossed: 10:30
Arrived at: 15:45
Kms made today and in total: 394,3
Weather: cool, cloudy, some rain showers

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